Ever Been to a Recruitment Seminar?


1. Did you meet the sales manager or general agent at anytime during the session?

2. You seemed discouraged did you apply anyway?

3. In your oppinion what is a good method to attract potential talent?

Thanks for your input

1. Yes i met the sales manager in both instances

2. I just walked through the whole thing and left to discern what to do. That is how I foudn this Forum. And based on the info i received decided it may not be the best path. Although the office at Bankers and the manager gave off a very good impression... I was quite impressed with him - however if the product sucks then what good is it (the sucks comment based on forum data) So i did not apply, i told them i need to take my test and they said to call them after i passed.

3. Have them come to your office not a hotel, be real with the people as well as share potential (which bankers did just a class of 3 - but he said the company says first year you will do this but in this market realistically its probably more like this... can it be done yes, but its rare. TRUTH wasthere and that impressed me.) and ask them if they would like to pursue it.

In real estate training I had a motto... Hire in Masses, train in classes, and if they are not cut out fire their a$$es. You have no way of knowing who has it, and who does not have it. I have seen the least likely candidates do what they are told and out produce the best agents. I have also seen the best candidates fizzle. Like Forest says, agents are like a box of chocolates, you never know what ya gonna get... why discriminate and shoot yourself in the foot? I have spent more time with the people that have the potential to knock your socks off and they do nothing. Little time with the people that I think would be a waste of my time... and they blow the tops off the sales chart.

So all this being said, I do not have a problem at all with revolving doors and churn and burn, how else would you know if they are good? The other side to that is, usually the products or prices suck and that you may want to stay away from. I just think the overall perception with the hotel conference room is not a good one.

theres my $.02:1wink:
The main reason that few applicants sign up is the last thing you are going to be told is that there is a license to obtain, along with all the studies/classroom education that your state requires. The nail in the coffin: you have to pay for this-- not the company that you thought you were going to go to "work" for!
I was a branch Manager for a couple of large companies one of which did big seminars to recruit. I picked up several agents but I always felt misleading.

I feel if you let them know that it is going to be a seminar about the company and then you set up second interviews you will sleep better at night.