Everyone Seems to Be Getting Denied!!

The Health Bill has changed EVERYTHING - I see denials in Major Med across the board now for all kinds of things that used to be just a rate up and I think it will stay that way until they decide in the Supreme Court what will happen with the Health Bill and all it's mandates that keep piling up
No, I actually do the apps in my office! When I get a person calling me for Health ins. I always "pre-screen" them, and 9 time out of 10, just based on what they tell me, I KNOW THEY WOULD BE DENIED! OR rated up so high they couldn't afford the premiums. And for the folks that I THINK would make it through... the underwriters seem to find something to deny them or rate them up!

That's more or less what the problems are. Even if the issues are as small as a kidney stone, the rates I initally quote the customer come back rated up...