Exchanges Are Mistakes...not Markets

Speaking of other states dropping the responsibility in her lap, it is now official that the majority of states will allow the Feds to ruin (oops, I mean run) the exchanges. That's 26 for the Feds to run, 7 state/fed partnerships, and the rest state-based.

Some think the Feds will fail miserably, others think it gives the Feds a chance to make a national blueprint to later use in all the states, and a platform in which to usher in a national plan that's the precursor to one-payer. Of course, they just delayed that national basic plan, because they can't do it in time, but nonetheless, onward march...
Isn't it crazy being a resident of this broke state? Illinois now only has 4 people running the day-to-day operations of the Department of Insurance, yet believe that they can "partner" in a meaningful way with the Federal Government. Give me a break! If Sebelius had ANY brains, she'd just take over and own/run 100% of the Illinois exchange, along with all the other states that dropped that responsibility in her lap.

If I'm not mistaken, that's 4 people in the licensing department across all the licensed businesses, not just insurance. And why they farmed licensing out to the state-based-systems folks.
I view these threads as a scared consumer and tax payer. I already live in a guaranteed issue state and this law seems to get worse every time I look at it. PCIP should show the government can not effectively run a program like this.
Obama's home state of Illinois thought it was doing a smart thing by "partnering" with the Feds for an Exchange.

Instead Sebelius's HHS rewards Illinois with just 2 weeks to meet 3 lofty deadlines, LOL.

Story: Feds Approve Illinois Health Exchange with Conditions

I suppose Governor Quinn thought an Exchange partnership meant that the Feds would throw money at Illinois and allow the state to do a shoddy despicable job, like it did with PCIP/IPXP.

Are you aware the Commissioner of Insurance in Mississippi was pretty much going it alone, with no support from the legislature or governor? It never was going to work.
Had to share that I just got an email from one of the exchange sites in Oregon asking if we could talk about offering PET insurance on the exchange. Can't make this stuff up.

Did you know that pets are people too? wonder if the gov't would subsidize it?