Exchanges Doomed?

This is just another conspiracy for universal healthcare. If tracking can't be done, just cover everyone no matter who the hell they are - for free. Makes the whole logistics stuff a moot point. Of course you have to find doctors willing to wait for their reimbursements.

Good point about doctors. AMA is now reconsidering their backing of health care reform. I guess they just figured out why the grass looked greener...there was horse s**t everywhere. LOL

MD's gather at AMA meeting amid reform uncertainty - CBS News
This is just another conspiracy for universal healthcare. If tracking can't be done, just cover everyone no matter who the hell they are - for free. Makes the whole logistics stuff a moot point. Of course you have to find doctors willing to wait for their reimbursements.
This is the most sense making string I have found anywhere, maybe I'm prejudiced. We all should be praying for the supreme court to also realize that this can't work. :nah:
Utah agents are reportedly happy with their exchange that has been in operation since 2010.
Like Mass, Utah's exchange only pays on group business, not on individual & family business. They are happy because employers HAVE TO designate a producer for comp in 2010 and 2011. Starting next year, they do not have to designate a producer.

According to the FAQ for brokers/agent, only in 2011 are employers REQUIRED to designate a producer. In 2012, employers do not have to designate a producer nor use one. Happy now, not so happy in 2012 I bet.

Utah Health Exchange - Producers and Agents

Utah Health Exchange - Producer/Agent Frequently Asked Questions

Doesn't matter. Indy health is dead. If you sell individual health, find another line of insurance and get cracking on it. You have a few years but everyone else has a head start on you.

We now have two "exchange" states that only pay comp on group business, so you are correct Chumps. And, unlike Mass which does not plan on eliminating producers from the group equation (2% BTW), Utah will allow next year all employer groups to avoid using a designated producer if they so choose.

BTW, it's $37 per employee per month flat fee in Utah.
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