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I do about 60/40 phone, face-to-face. If I feel that the person wants a meeting, I offer it. The majority of the time, they would like to handle it over the phone and waste as little time as possible. Volume questions I'd rather not answer on the open forum, but I will tell you that I've received the top bonuses offered by 2 of my carriers and earned 2 trips this summer and fall so far this year. I sell 100% health insurance, even life policies I forward to another agent.
Ok, do you sell face to face or over the phone? Do you sell mainly health insurance? Oh many policies to you write now per month? Sorry for so many questions, but I have to have the right people for this or I will be screwed. Thanks
Originally Posted by GetInsurance
Ok, do you sell face to face or over the phone? Do you sell mainly health insurance? Oh many policies to you write now per month? Sorry for so many questions, but I have to have the right people for this or I will be screwed. Thanks
Originally Posted by GetInsurance

I am an active agent selling in Michigan and I'd be happy to test even 5 of them. I have been looking for a telemarketed lead source for some time now, and I'd offer an honest evaluation.