Experienced Health/Life GA Expanding to P&C

SIAA strokes you for 10K upfront. Good luck recooping that if you have no P and C experience. What if you fail...you are out the 10K. Seems like a rididulous fee to me.

Holy crap, not many agents have $1k just lying around----let alone $10k...lol.

But that doesn't mean it's not a good deal, just eliminating those without the means to aggressively market p & c insurance.
I called HealthAgent.com and he was very friendly but they also require $ down and then they take like a 3% cut out of your p & c commission. Sounds like a pretty good deal except that you are writing under his codes as a sub agent so he owns the business so it would be hard to get a direct contract one day and wouldnt have any rights to the book you built up under them. I dont like paying $ down for something I will never own.
I called HealthAgent.com and he was very friendly but they also require $ down and then they take like a 3% cut out of your p & c commission. Sounds like a pretty good deal except that you are writing under his codes as a sub agent so he owns the business so it would be hard to get a direct contract one day and wouldnt have any rights to the book you built up under them. I dont like paying $ down for something I will never own.

I won't ask about the $$ down (I don't know if you'd be willing to share), but from my limited experience with p & c, isn't the whole idea to use these clubs to get some biz so you can eventually get direct contracts?

If he is AOR, how are you going to benefit except for product training and access to carriers while you are doing your OTJT?
SIAA has spent a lot of money and I'm sure a lot of risk in order to be able to offer you a shot at the p&c business. Either go out and spend $100,000 for an existing book, or better yet win a state lottery tonight. If it was easy everybody would be doing it.