If a person is in the hospital 3 or 4 times in a year, doesthe GTL pay the co pays every time?You all should try being an unbiased insurance agent instead of trying to compare them by using analogies of restaurants, etc.
Show them how A,B,C and D of Medicare work and the cost of both options. Give them a Med Sup quote along with a print out of a stand alone PDP that covers their drugs the best. Tell them about the $257 Part B deductible once a year.
Then show them a $0 premium MAPD along with a GTL hospital plan that covers their hospital copay. Go over the plan guide showing all copays along with the dental, vision, etc. Look up any Drs they see and hospitals within 100 miles. Tell them they may need PA for certain procedures, surgeries, etc. Go over the drug coverage on the MAPD and then let them decide.
Not sure why all the analogies and scare tactics are needed. Your job is to present their options in an unbiased way and not steer them to what you think is best.