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A generalized form for 50 states . . . uses terms like "most" and "may" rather than "all" and "will" or "shall." I live/work in Kentucky. Here's the law, read it for yourself: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/kar/806/012/080.pdf
Hint: Section 5(e)
I already knew about KY. (I'm actually licensed there.) But you've made statements a couple times in this thread as though it's true everywhere. It ain't! But it's all good. Just don't replace any of my business!;)
A generalized form for 50 states . . . uses terms like "most" and "may" rather than "all" and "will" or "shall." I live/work in Kentucky. Here's the law, read it for yourself: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/law/kar/806/012/080.pdf
Hint: Section 5(e)
We have all agreed that is the case in KY.. But, unfortunately, it is not the case in most other states. Certainly not the case in GA where the OP is located
DayTimer said:
Do you have a lot of not takens/free looks or is your business just not staying on the books past the first few months?

That's a different issue. And a lot to diagnose.

Few questions.

1. Are you really good at sales?
2. Are you writing companies with social security billing?
3. Are you being replaced?
4. Do you even know why they're not staying on the books?
5. With not takens, is it people just missing their first payment?
Well, those cases you probably not going to be writing F2F any way so you are getting business would not get F2F. It would seem that would balance out any higher lapse ratio. But what do I know? I hate the telephone...

An astute observation Rouse.
Bottom line Greg . If tv lead clients fill nothing else out it might stick . If their filling multiple dm cards out in the futures 50/50 chance it's replaced . Playing the in the area local agent is powerful .

Wrong info bro. And it's "they're" not "their".