Fake Money in a Briefcase Idea

Like 8 track, only smaller . . .

As I have stated elsewhere I am originally from Kentucky and now live in Indiana next to Kentucky. It is so far out in the country that technology comes late to these parts of the country! :swoon:

Actually anything by Feldman is hard to find and expensive and I'll take it in whatever form it is available. I have cassette tapes of Feldman and some old tapes by Bill Bishop ("Bill Bishop's Gold Calling System of Teleprospecting"). These I snagged off of Ebay. Bishop was recommended on Topgunproducers but I think he is no longer active or alive since I can not find anything from him since 2004.

The technology may be dated but these are pretty good tapes and well worth listening to and learning from.
I'm sure it's worth it, my Dad has tapes from many sales, success gurus that he's supposed to find for me at my Mom's house.

I can't wait!!

As I have stated elsewhere I am originally from Kentucky and now live in Indiana next to Kentucky. It is so far out in the country that technology comes late to these parts of the country! :swoon:

Actually anything by Feldman is hard to find and expensive and I'll take it in whatever form it is available. I have cassette tapes of Feldman and some old tapes by Bill Bishop ("Bill Bishop's Gold Calling System of Teleprospecting"). These I snagged off of Ebay. Bishop was recommended on Topgunproducers but I think he is no longer active or alive since I can not find anything from him since 2004.

The technology may be dated but these are pretty good tapes and well worth listening to and learning from.
Alright...I'VE HAD IT!

It's like every freaking day that Mark is either telling us about a tried and tested marketing idea that he already knows works or some new creative idea like this one that really makes me question my own creativity (or lack thereof).

On top of that I'm now hooked on reading his posts.

Will this ever stop?
Ben Feldman used $1,000 bills front and back with 98 $1.00 bills sandwiched in between. It looked like a stack of $1,000 bills to prospects.
Only when Mark has sold everyone he meets a life insurance policy . . .

Now is a great time to buy life insurance in this uncertain time. Only two things that I know will happen in this life time. Taxes and Death. Both of them suck. But I can make one of them a little bit better. At least for you family. Why not protect you family with me today. Why even think about it for one more day. You never know when it will be your time to go. Don't be one of these people that don't care about their family and don't care if they stick someone they love with the funeral bill and other problems that you are not thinking about. Lets protect your family today and let them know that you did care about them and made sure that they were protected upon your death. There are a 100% chance that you will die one day. Why not have your life/death Insured? I bet you have tons of different kinds of insurance by why not protect your life and/or your income. That reminds me. I can also protect your income in the event something happens to you and it does not kill you.

IF any of you wish to have me protect your family, just let me know. If I can't help you, I will find an agent in your area.

Let me give you some free advise. Buy Life Insurance young and before something happens to you and then you are stuck unprotected for life.

Why not give the best cmas gift that you can give your family. The gift of love that will be here, even when you are not.

LOL. :DI just can't help it. I need to join some kind of a support group of life agents that can't stop thinking about prospecting.
I need to join some kind of a support group of life agents that can't stop thinking about prospecting.

There is a 12 step recovery program.

However, I doubt you can make it past step 1.

We admitted we were powerless over insurance—that our lives had become unmanageable.
Alright...I'VE HAD IT!

It's like every freaking day that Mark is either telling us about a tried and tested marketing idea that he already knows works or some new creative idea like this one that really makes me question my own creativity (or lack thereof).

On top of that I'm now hooked on reading his posts.

Will this ever stop?

It will never stop. I have another 500 old ideas to tell you, before I start sharing my new ideas. I also get to hear some of the best ideas from other agents that I work with. I think I'm 10,000 agents all rolled up in one.

If you want to know my weakness. It is spelling. Most of the time I remember to spell check or ask my wife to check it.

Also, thanks for the kind words.