False Insurance Information

What makes them assume the liability so fast? Didnt the other guy said he had a green light? Or did the witnesses already talk with the insurance carrier?

I would say that the facts were obvious to the owner's insurance company.
In these particular cases you need to file a claim with your insurance company, given the bizarre scenario of different names, and also as insurance companies can rely solely upon the statements that they are given. However, if you file a claim with your carrier they are more than likely going to place all liability upon the other driver through the process of subrogation. Yes you will have to pay a deductible, but any monies the insurance company retrieves from the other insurance carrier must reimburse you for your deductible first. Worse come to worse, you file a claim and the other driver does not have any insurance, and you will still have to pay a deductible. Although it will be treated as a hit and run and should not affect you premiums in the future.