Familiar with Www.bit.ly?



This is very interesting: www.bit.ly. It lets you create a short URL and later on go back and see how many times it has been clicked.

For example


This is my home page. If this is clicked on somewhere I might place it, I can then go back to bit.ly and find out how often (but not by whom.)

Poor man's click counter. Maybe you all know about this. First time I've seen it... and I try to keep up with the tech stuff.

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URL Shorteners have been around since twitter cam to prominence...With the character limit and for services such as bit.ly sprouted up. Twitter now offers or is implementing it's own URL shortener, but it is nice when one of your urls gets out of control.
URL Shorteners have been around since twitter cam to prominence...With the character limit and for services such as bit.ly sprouted up. Twitter now offers or is implementing it's own URL shortener, but it is nice when one of your urls gets out of control.

I've used Tinyurl since the early-mid 2000s.
And if you want to know how many clicks a bit.ly link got just add a + sign after the url.
This is a neat way to even know if one of your competitor's got any traffic through a bit.ly link.

Thanks Valdet! While I knew about bit.ly and how the service worked (and have used it a few times), I didn't know it was possible to see how many clicks other bit.ly links have received.
Just don't use the shortened links for SEO as it won't help with your site's PR. I use bit.ly for Twitter only. And I do it so I don't waste so many characters on the link. As far as monitoring my site and where the traffic is coming from, I use Google Analytics. It's a great program that can easily be added to WordPress sites as well as others.