Family Life Med Sups?

I was told by one of my "go to" guys that they turned down the Family Life contract because of several "issues" that they didn't like. One of them being that they are only in 4 states. I won't swear to the accuracy of this info, but it was good enough for me.
I was told by one of my "go to" guys that they turned down the Family Life contract because of several "issues" that they didn't like. One of them being that they are only in 4 states. I won't swear to the accuracy of this info, but it was good enough for me.

The commission schedule they sent me has separate rates for; Co, Tn and Or.

And separate rates for; Ca., Il, Ok, and Wi.

Then it has rates for "all other States". That's 7 States separate and Ky is not listed, so, they are in 8 States, at least.