Family on Exchange Without Dental ?


1000 Post Club
Wrote a family on exchange thru today - had minor children on the plan, got to the end of plan selection and it says "this plan has no pediatric dental" and I'm going WTF I thought by default all exchange plans had to have it embedded on the plan, esp. with minor children?

I'm first going goin what? Second, I'm thinking they will get a tax penalty for buying an unqualified health plan without pediatric dental? WTF? There were SEPARATE dental options offered for the family but they didn't want to pay extra for em, so what gives?

Typical BS on exchange. Maybe I am missing something simple?
I don't know the answer...........haven't done enough kids on the exchange. We discussed this in another thread somewhere and was still confused.
I'm confused about the pediatric dental too. These things I know for a fact:

1. It's an EHB
2. You're supposed to get a fine if you don't have all EHBs.
3. ON exchange not all plans have it embedded, but OFF exchange they are supposed to have it embedded.
4. Still doesn't matter. We have carriers here in AZ that are allowing OFF exchange applicants to buy a plan without it if they are adults with no kids, or if they mark a box saying they have dental coverage elsewhere.

Now, for assumptions, but not something I know for a certainty:
1. Probably the fine will be waived if the only infraction is not having that one EHB. That's because this issue is so messed up.
2. Probably most people go without it if they can.

Health Net of AZ just changed their rates with pediatric dental, saying they made a mistake. I didn't think they could change rates midstream, but.....

Humana said on exchange it's $15 more expensive per person to buy the plan with ped. dental (adults and kids get hit with the $15 charge).
Holy moly even Anns confused about this! Now I dont feel so dumb. What a mess...


If dentals not bought me thinks the govt would still like to get a tax penalty too if they could...just sayin
Ann gets confused often, don't doubt that for one minute. Even when I think I have a grasp on some of these issues, then later I think, "Say what?"
I was told that on-exchange plans don't have to include pediatric dental, but off-exchange plans do have to include it otherwise the person is still subject to penalty. Pretty wacky...
I wrote a family (including 3 kids) off exchange with Assurant and he managed to opt out of ped dental.

Go figure.
I have never seen an Assurant plan off exchange allow the option of opting out of the pediatric dental? Bob can you clarify? Isn't the pediatric dental embedded, you can't take it out? Now the Add on Assurant dental plan, well that's extra...
My clients that are know it alls are dentists...sounds like a dentist talking. They can walk on water with chiropractors and realtors...