Family on Exchange Without Dental ?

Didn't I read somewhere that if the exchange has stand alone dental offered the health plans don't have to offer dental? If the exchange has no stand alone, then the health plans have to offer?
Didn't I read somewhere that if the exchange has stand alone dental offered the health plans don't have to offer dental? If the exchange has no stand alone, then the health plans have to offer?

Yes, you are right. At first the rules were that ped dental had to be embedded in the medical plan, just like all EHBs. But Delta Dental led the fight about this, because it would cut their business too deeply. So, they decided that ON exchange, if stand-alone dental was offered, then the medical plans didn't have to embed it. But OFF exchange, it had to be embedded.

Some plans OFF exchange aren't embedding it anyway if you sign a statement on the app saying you are covered for ped dental elsewhere, or if the applicants don't include children.
Yes, you are right. At first the rules were that ped dental had to be embedded in the medical plan, just like all EHBs. But Delta Dental led the fight about this, because it would cut their business too deeply. So, they decided that ON exchange, if stand-alone dental was offered, then the medical plans didn't have to embed it. But OFF exchange, it had to be embedded.

Some plans OFF exchange aren't embedding it anyway if you sign a statement on the app saying you are covered for ped dental elsewhere, or if the applicants don't include children.

No children + no pediatric dental still results in a penalty from my understanding.
DGolden: Really?
No children + no pediatric dental still results in a penalty from my understanding.

Ok, now WTF should I do..the plan on exchange I sold to the family had no PED dental, they didn't want stand alone dental, now they are going to get a freakin penalty?

Should I log back on with them or have them log back on to buy a stupid dental?
WTF this law freakin sucks.

At about 45,000 they would potentially get a freakin $450 tax penalty for not buying pediatric dental when they have minors on a qualified health plan from the Federal Exchange.

This Obamacare is a piece of shiat....ridiculous...somebody calm me down.
DGolden: Really?
No children + no pediatric dental still results in a penalty from my understanding.

Ok, now WTF should I do..the plan on exchange I sold to the family had no PED dental, they didn't want stand alone dental, now they are going to get a freakin penalty?

Should I log back on with them or have them log back on to buy a stupid dental?
WTF this law freakin sucks.

At about 45,000 they would potentially get a freakin $450 tax penalty for not buying pediatric dental when they have minors on a qualified health plan from the Federal Exchange.

This Obamacare is a piece of shiat....ridiculous...somebody calm me down.

On-exchange doesn't have to include pediatric dental, only off-exchange. Stupid.
Over in the public forum ActuaryGuy is saying he was on a CMS call where they strongly asserted that everyone must carry pediatric dental or it doesn't meet minimum standards. ActuaryGuy has been extremely knowledgeable and accurate on everything he posts.
OMGGGG Pediatric Dental Glitch in the law? WTF Ann you can't make this stuff up! LOL now I gotta go back and tell my policyholder to buy a standalone dental with ortho coverage per the law or get the penalty? What kind of a law is this Obamacare? WTF I'm still blown away.
I'm back to this Pediatric Dental issue.

On the Exchange you can choose not to take Pediatric Dental.

Off the Exchange, we have some carriers here locally that are allowing you to NOT take Pediatric Dental. (I didn't think they were allowed to do this off-exchange but they are).

Questions - will the client incur a penalty if:

1. Adults without kids choose to waive Pediatric Dental entirely?
2. Adults or Families waive Pediatric Dental, but they have another dental plan that covers this EHB and more. On Exchange? Off Exchange?
3. Do you know of a good stand-alone dental plan that provides the Pediatric Dental EHB and more coverage for adults too? I assume an on-exchange client should buy this on the exchange. How about off-exchange?
its so ridiculous..signed up a family on exchange with minor on their plan and the plan offered NO ped. dental..yea will they be fined !?!? this is incredible but true
Yeah, and why is Health Net offering a plan with no pediatric dental OFF EXCHANGE? Will my clients be fined?