FE Sales in the Field and Tele

Ah +100 on that, why would they let you have access to those leads when you obviously are not going to write LH much unless the persons health was so lousy. I haven't met any LH agent not write anything but.....is this guy saying LH has independent contracts that are actually competitive? I think I know the answer..lol

I know the answer as well haha. I am still writing LH leads through LH because that is where I am placing them. I have not purchased my own leads outside LH as of yet, but soon that will change.
Shenandoah Life was considered the lowest price FE plan. But you know the story, they went belly up. The lowest price is not always the best.

On what planet was Shenandoah Life EVER the lowest priced FE company.

They were middle of the pack.
On what planet was Shenandoah Life EVER the lowest priced FE company.

They were middle of the pack.

They weren't even middle of the pack. Golden Promise was almost LH high. Then that new one they came out with never got off the ground.

I wrote a ton of Shenadoah term but never once wrote their whole life, underwritten or SI, because they were just too high priced.

Their pricing is not what did them in. Bad investments did them in.
Dont waste your time with senior life or lauro herraro , he will sike you up especially if u a new agent, theya re charging 30 bucks a lead and the leads are ****
Their pricing is not what did them in. Bad investments did them in.

In the market crash of Oct 2008... and the 1st and 2nd qtrs of 09' we will never know just how close handfuls of life companies came to hitting the wall. Bonds took a bath big time, especially those that were invested into B rated instruments (corp & junk bonds). Companies that come to mind are AIG, Hartford HIG, and others that were heavily into the annuity and CDS business. It was ugly but the true picture was fortunately never fully revealed. HIG stock was so volitile back in the first qtr of 09', it was a day traders nirvana, and takeover talks were rampant for a number of companies but who wants to catch a falling knife...? :no: As it is HIG has rebounded 10 fold from its lows of early 09', so those with guts made a lick since it dodged the axe.
I know the answer as well haha. I am still writing LH leads through LH because that is where I am placing them. I have not purchased my own leads outside LH as of yet, but soon that will change.

If you've lasted 6 months at LH and are open minded to suggestions made here than I think you are going to do very well. Nice to see you aren't drunk on kool-aid at this point.


Just my 2 cents.