Unless you're a 60+ year old white guy (no offense) hustle does not have a negative connotation to it. It's actually a compliment.

Not that old but not too far away and very caucasion. Charlie Hustle was one of my favorite players.
Objection #1: I never do anything over the phone. Let me ask you this, the last doctor appointment you had, did you drive over to their office to schedule it? Of course you didn't, so you do do things over the phone...maybe you never bought life insurance but you do do things over the phone, correct?

Objection #2: My daughter told me to never give my bank account info to anyone over the phone. Thats great advice. There are many scammers out there trying to sell you the winning numbers to the lottery. If I was trying to get you to buy the winning numbers I'd expect you to be cautious. We are talking life insurance here, and as you know it has to be paid with money. Did you want your bank to send the premiums from your checking account or your savings account?

Objection #3: Can you just mail me something? If I did you would be mad at me because I would have to send 30 brochures from 30 companies. My boss won;t let me spend the money. So let's go back and review what I had you write down and we can talk about it in greater detail, you mentioned you wanted to go with the $XXXXX.XX benefit, correct?

Objection #4: I need to think about it, (or need to check around) call me back in a few week. That's great! I want to make sure I went over everything, please share with me what exactly it is you want to think about (go silent).

Situation #1: You get a voice mail on the 1st call to this lead, do you leave a message? Why or why not? If so, what's your message? I never leave voicemails.

Situation #2: You've called the lead's phone number 5-10 times per day between 9 am - 9 pm (the lead's time zone) multiple days with no answer. What do you do with this lead? Mail them something? Throw it away thinking it has a higher probability of being a "no"? Save it thinking it has a higher probability of being a "yes" because if you're not making contact with them then other agents are also not making contact with them? Something else? 5-10 times per day? That's crazy. You need more leads to call.

Situation #3: Do you find there are particular times/days when people are easier to catch by phone? MORNINGS

Situation #4: Do you use anything to make YOUR phone number have the same area code as the number you are dialing? If so, what do you use? Does this help you very much with making contact? YES