FE Telesales Agents: Better Results From Married Couples Or Singles?


5000 Post Club
For you agents that sell FE over the phone (even those who sell non-FE life):

Is it easier to sell single people FE over the telephone, or harder to sell married folks FE over the telephone, or is their no discernable difference?

For you agents that sell FE over the phone (even those who sell non-FE life):

Is it easier to sell single people FE over the telephone, or harder to sell married folks FE over the telephone, or is their no discernable difference?


My experience with final expense by phone comes primarily from add-on sales from Medicare Supplements. So, from that perspective, if it matters, I have found that single folks are much easier to deal with when talking about the life insurance they need.

For some reason, the couples usually want to discuss it more amongst themselves, say that they've already taken care of it, or are less receptive because they look at each other every day in a sense of denial. Not sure why.

It might be that the single folks I'm talking to about the topic have already experienced loss and, therefore, know the tragic consequences of leaving without being prepared. I think that's it. They are less jovial about insurance and serious about taking care of final expenses.

My experience. Singles are easier but smaller cases. Final expenses, $10,000 - $15,000. Maybe some legacy money. Marrieds are a bit more work but larger cases. Income replacement or transition money.
Makes no difference really. When we have a couple, we do just like a field sale. We ask if they can make a decision with or without their spouse. We go from there.
Pitch both on the phone. Record each one. Time consuming but must be legal. Each recording takes 4-6 mins. The pitch you do you just do it to both at the same time.
Yes. It's the part that makes it legal. That way you don't have to send anything to the client.
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Let me be a little more clear. While Foresters, Baltimore, Standard and pretty much all the carriers who offer telesales(btw....I have contracts for all of them) they all require a third party call just like aptical. So you have to put the client on hold, call the third party, they get your info then you conference the client in after you just did your pitch. Not too bad but we use SL because you don't need to do any of that. Agents prefer better. Let alone you can write pretty much anybody? But with SL you have a "recording script" you read to solidify the actual sale. It's easier and less time consuming. Plus and best of all...you control the entire sale start to finish.
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Doing telesales with FE myself I find it honestly doesn't make a difference. (nearly) Everyone has someone they want to make sure isn't left footing the bill. Once you find out who that is, you're golden.

With married couples normally one will make decisions about this and push the other in that direction. The wife is 3 out of 5 times the best person to get on board. Once she's on, she does the husbands info on the app and all he has to do is the health interview.

Make it easy for the spouse that is wary and they'll flow with you.
Tele-sales with single folks usually easier for me as there are less moving parts. With couples a little more complicated since more moving parts (catching both parties together), but you also can get rewarded with a bigger premium.

Rearden is that your real pic (or Rouse's)?

Liquid glass who do you use for FE tele-sales?