FE TV Commercials


Curious to know who the players are in the tv commercial arena.?
For ex, Colonial Penn and Sr.Life are exclusive for those companies.
Where do the other commercials go to? ( DigBga?) I know there was lots of chat about tv from a user promoting it ? Some go to off shore call centers then to licensed agents??/ etc??
Lots of call centers buying FE TV Media - SelectQuote, Trustage, MoO, EverQuote etc.

I don't know of any other media company (or IMO) selling TV ads to independent agents besides DigitalBGA right now. I'm sure some will pop up next year for a short time though. I say short time because a call center will buy them all up (its easier to work with 1 buyer) or they'll get eaten up by the variable costs and seasonality.
thanks for the reply. I remember Barry from NY was a big player in the tv commercials for aqents too..
thanks for the reply. I remember Barry from NY was a big player in the tv commercials for aqents too..

Yeah, what happened to him? I'm not sure he was a big player. I thought he was just starting out really. Since we have not heard from him in a while, I assumed he failed out.
Yeah, what happened to him? I'm not sure he was a big player. I thought he was just starting out really. Since we have not heard from him in a while, I assumed he failed out.

Ya I too think he is gone now.

In his defense, what he was proposing to do would be extremely difficult to pull off.
Yeah, what happened to him? I'm not sure he was a big player. I thought he was just starting out really. Since we have not heard from him in a while, I assumed he failed out.

No failure. We had over 45 agents taking calls - some closing over 33%. The BIG buyers of TV got jealous of my platform that empowered independent agents with 130% contracts who could now buy TV. This directly competed with their 25% agents that got the TV leads for free. Those F'ers.

So, they jacked up the prices at the supplier level and basically priced us out.

For example - they are paying $65/call NO buffer. An independent cannot live with no buffer. The supplier told me - I can sell you TV, but with a buffer for me to be whole with the no buffer guys - you need to pay $92.86/call. WHY? Because we bought a real over 30 second call only about 70% of the time - so...if they get $65 for no buffer (even a 1 sec call) then to be the same margin it's the $92 price for the buffer...