FE TV Commercials

" some agents closed 33%" I was under the impression that a prospect that called into a tv commercial was almost a sure thing? closing at 33% sounds awful.
do others on tv do better ??
" some agents closed 33%" I was under the impression that a prospect that called into a tv commercial was almost a sure thing? closing at 33% sounds awful.
do others on tv do better ??

Lewis - most of your "impressions" are wrong.
33% is amazing.
Because some want it but don't qualify...some want it but can't afford it.
And the only other reason they don't buy is because the agent sucks.
I'm working the DBGA inbound TV leads now . I will share the good and bad for whoever is interested. It's a brand new program . It's changed since I stated about 6 months at least 5 times since I started. They removed the buffer, agents are charged for any lead even if the client calls and hangs up or if it is no sound. Unless the lead is over 85- or a client calls in for an agent they recently spoke with, no credit . Some people watch the ad on YouTube, Roku tv, sometimes it's on an aired T channel (not 100% if it's on a commercial channel or just the streaming TV services"

Most agents I talk to in the program, including myself, have had issues since the removal of any credit/ refund. The cost to acquire a sale continues to go up as lead costs rise and lead credit policies are eliminated.

I did write my biggest month ever, of 34K issue paid, With these leads on this platform. I know a producer who writes over 10k a week . Sometimes 20k weeks. It's insane. Certainly the highest intent lead I have worked.

I have tested other inbound leads and am still looking for other tv inbound lead sources. I will keep the community aware if I find anything else. Please let me know if you have any good Inbound TV FEX lead sources.
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I'm working the DBGA inbound TV leads now . I will share the good and bad for whoever is interested. It's a brand new program . It's changed since I stated about 6 months at least 5 times since I started. They removed the buffer, agents are charged for any lead even if the client calls and hangs up or if it is no sound. Unless the lead is over 85- or a client calls in for an agent they recently spoke with, no credit .

My platform successfully moved over 4,000 inbound TV calls to over 45 independent agents last year between January-July. I created the first platform ever to move live incoming TV to independent agents - some with 130%+ contracts.

As time went on, pricing was always an issue - it was a challenge to either pay up more or watch my incoming call volume drop. I believe I know more about incoming TV directed to INDEPENDENT agents than anyone - if a supplier is REAL - I've had a conversation. There are a number of fly by night suppliers - I had to fight dirty to get my deposit returned!

Ultimately - the price got to $65/call NO BUFFER....or $92.86/call with the 30 second buffer (about 30% of calls were hangups or no sound - so only 70% of the calls were "purchased" making the $65 being paid by SelectQuote no buffer = $$92.86 with buffer). Obviously - unless you are a real "unicorn" closing no less than 33% of your calls AND keeping 90% of these sales on the books for 9 months - $92/call does not make financial sense. Even at these metrics - your CPA would be about $307/deal. Probably the max you should ever pay.

The "typical agent" closing at 22% with a 75% retention - their CPA (based on $65/no buffer & 70% real calls) would skyrocket to $563. Agents must manage CPA very carefully or go broke. If you need me to explain the math you can PM me...

So, I'm not looking to put down DGBA (all their fan boys will come to their rescue) and I'm sure they're truly trying their best - but it appears that the "elusive unicorn" they touted in September may in fact be just that...something that doesn't or no longer exists. Ken - we've spoken and I applaud you for putting the truth out there on paper about a lead program run by an agency that offers only a 110% contract ...so from what you are saying - it looks like their $65/call with 30 second buffer doesn't ring true anymore?

People - The issue here is about risk. Who is taking ALL the risks and what is the spread between what the risk taker is taking and what the house is taking and how an agent can manage cash flow...for example at a 110% contract agency:

$1,000 premium @ 110% = $1,100. At the unicorn level of 90% retention = $990. Advance at 75% = $742.50 cash - $307 CPA (at 33% close) = $435 cash flow not bad. Agency @ 145%(?) = 35% override @ $1,000 @ 90% = $315 profit. Everyone makes money.

But drop that down to the typical agent and you get:
$900 premium @ 110% = $990. At a more realistic 75% retention = $742.50. Advance at 75% = $556.88 cash - $563 CPA (at 22% close) = a Cash Flow LOSS - uh oh who can ride the laying out of cash for 6+ months? But, Agency with ZERO risk = $900 x 75% x 35% = $236.25 profit. Who's making all the $$ here?

There's only so much demand for the FE product and the live call in volume from customers is limited and elusive. The reason agencies are in a constant recruiting mode is because many/most agents fail out and the agency is in a constant state of churn. If the lead programs offered made EVERYONE money (not just the agency) - then there would be little churn and with the limited inbound live lead flow - recruiting would cease and everyone would eat. But that's just not the case...
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From my experience DBGA Is king of independent agent Tele sales. I have respect, a lot of respect for them. I'm just looking for TV leads from as many sources as I can to work and compare
I'm working the DBGA inbound TV leads now . I will share the good and bad for whoever is interested. It's a brand new program . It's changed since I stated about 6 months at least 5 times since I started. They removed the buffer, agents are charged for any lead even if the client calls and hangs up or if it is no sound. Unless the lead is over 85- or a client calls in for an agent they recently spoke with, no credit . Some people watch the ad on YouTube, Roku tv, sometimes it's on an aired T channel (not 100% if it's on a commercial channel or just the streaming TV services"

Most agents I talk to in the program, including myself, have had issues since the removal of any credit/ refund. The cost to acquire a sale continues to go up as lead costs rise and lead credit policies are eliminated.

I did write my biggest month ever, of 34K issue paid, With these leads on this platform. I know a producer who writes over 10k a week . Sometimes 20k weeks. It's insane. Certainly the highest intent lead I have worked.

I have tested other inbound leads and am still looking for other tv inbound lead sources. I will keep the community aware if I find anything else. Please let me know if you have any good Inbound TV FEX lead sources.

Sr Life continues to hold the price of their TV leads at $34 each, $40 for Spanish. If you've never seen one of their commercials here's my favorite one....

Senior Life Insurance Company Affordable Life Plan TV Spot, 'Important Message'

These leads are for Sr Life agents only. Best leads in the FE arena.
I'm working the DBGA inbound TV leads now . I will share the good and bad for whoever is interested. It's a brand new program . It's changed since I stated about 6 months at least 5 times since I started. They removed the buffer, agents are charged for any lead even if the client calls and hangs up or if it is no sound. Unless the lead is over 85- or a client calls in for an agent they recently spoke with, no credit . Some people watch the ad on YouTube, Roku tv, sometimes it's on an aired T channel (not 100% if it's on a commercial channel or just the streaming TV services"

Most agents I talk to in the program, including myself, have had issues since the removal of any credit/ refund. The cost to acquire a sale continues to go up as lead costs rise and lead credit policies are eliminated.

I did write my biggest month ever, of 34K issue paid, With these leads on this platform. I know a producer who writes over 10k a week . Sometimes 20k weeks. It's insane. Certainly the highest intent lead I have worked.

I have tested other inbound leads and am still looking for other tv inbound lead sources. I will keep the community aware if I find anything else. Please let me know if you have any good Inbound TV FEX lead sources.

That sounds awful that you pay even if they hang up immediately or there is no sound.

What do you pay per lead?