Fear of car being totaled.


New Member
I have a 2016. 184,000. A deer desided to say hi. It got the drivers mirror and door and back door. So both doors need replaced. if the total cost is to high they will want to total it. So the drivers door will have to be replaced without a doubt. My question is if the bill for both doors are to high and they want to total it, can i requests that they only replace the divers door and just try to pull the dent on the back door to lower the cost of the repair to keep them from totalling it. I don't want any money, I don't want a new car or payment that goes with it, i just want my car and for them to do the right thing. Thanks in advance. Besides the bluebook is way to low for todays market and the shape that my car is in i could never get anything close to what i have for what they are going to offer, plus i just put new tires on it. P.S. i looked and there are no doors anywhere close for me to try and fix it myself. Thanks in advance.
I have a 2016. 184,000. A deer desided to say hi. It got the drivers mirror and door and back door. So both doors need replaced. if the total cost is to high they will want to total it. So the drivers door will have to be replaced without a doubt. My question is if the bill for both doors are to high and they want to total it, can i requests that they only replace the divers door and just try to pull the dent on the back door to lower the cost of the repair to keep them from totalling it. I don't want any money, I don't want a new car or payment that goes with it, i just want my car and for them to do the right thing. Thanks in advance. Besides the bluebook is way to low for todays market and the shape that my car is in i could never get anything close to what i have for what they are going to offer, plus i just put new tires on it. P.S. i looked and there are no doors anywhere close for me to try and fix it myself. Thanks in advance.
Its totalled. Maybe they will let you buy it back for the salvage price after they total it.

Probably $10k in repair costs as the body shop will want to paint most of the car to match, OEM parts, probably have to take the rear right tail light off to get access to something which will add 7 hours.

I have had 2 cars in my house totalled in recent years from extremely minor damage---we bought both back for salvage cost & they are still being driven2+ years later with cosmetic damage. Insurance company usually makes you drop collision & Comprehensive when you buy the car for the salvage value..

This is main reason car insurance rates are skyrocketing--seems like so many claims are total losses, especially with the technology on cars, all sensors, cameras, the seat belt charges, the disconnect charges between battery & starter that seem to go off even in minor accidents, air bags, seat frame air bags, that require new seat be installed, etc, etc
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