Fed Gov Wasted Time


1000 Post Club
Why is it that ever time we call to have a clients policy canceled effective 12-31-2014 that the Market place rep goes into this tangent about the fact that by canceling coverage you won't be able to to enroll in a health plan unless you qualify for an SEP or have QLE or when the next OE begins.....


Imagine if you will the loss of efficiency multiplied by 5 million calls...

Government waste....GRRRRRRRR
Matthew 15:14"........If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit."

The people who staff those phones do not know what they are doing. They were not hired for their knowledge and skill but for there political affiliations and correctness.
Frank, piggy backing on your comment, talked to a lady this AM, long time client, that is going on a subsidized plan. She was upset that the woman she talked to didn't seem to understand the way the policy worked and she wanted to talk to me so she could understand it.

I spent about 20 minutes on the phone, going over the plan summary. She thanked me profusely and promised to be back when she turns 65 in 2016.

I have spoiled most of them to expect someone who actually knows what they are doing and can take them by the hand and walk them through to the point they understand it.
Because the consumer can't remember the security questions to unlock their account and having Hc.gov resetting the password isn't working as advertised. They say they're sending a link and it never comes.....

you can access anyone's account all u need is name dob ss # through broker login into hc.gov thru sherpa or direct connect