Feedback on Equis Financial?

Lol what a scam. Min commission on Moo term life express should be 110% and one can get 120% plus.
My understanding is that they lowered the (highest) new agent starting contract to 70% last summer. 70% is paid on MOO's Term Life Express and Am-Am's Home Certainty. Equis pays 60% on Forester's Plan Right (for age 50-80) and it plummits to only 30% (for age 81-85), AND Equis keeps all of the new agent's annual renewals on Forester's business.

Barry Clarkson (previous partner in N.A.A.) is the President and CEO of Equis and they've kept the basic N.A.A. business model.

Sounds like a great deal...but not for the agent. What scum to do agents like that.
Barry Clarkson was the "Pride" in the 3 P's. Punch, Pride and Passion.

Was Andy Albright the "Punch" and Philip Hudgins (now President of Invida) the "Passion"?


Sounds like a great deal...but not for the agent. What scum to do agents like that.

Since they target newbies to the industry, their new agents don't realize that they are being compensated well below street:

ETA:. In fact, my bet is nearly 100% of the recruits they hire don't even know what "street" refers to.
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Was Andy Albright the "Punch" and Philip Hudgins (now President of Invida) the "Passion"?


Since they target newbies to the industry, their new agents don't realize that they are being compensated well below street:

ETA:. In fact, my bet is nearly 100% of the recruits they hire don't even know what "street" refers to.

You got it. Hudgens was the Passion, Albright was Punch and Clarkson was Pride.;) Good times!!:cool:
Are the being provided leads at no cost at these levels? If so, this would pretty much be par for the course for these types of outfits. No?