Feeling the Need to Bail

After 7 months with a Nationwide agency I bailed. The prices had been bad and I spent most of my time selling Travelers and Progressive. They only paid me minimal commission less than half of what Nationwide policies paid. I averaged 30k in premium sales monthly. Just selling home/auto. I look at it as a GREAT learning experience! I will b teaming up with another agent from Farm Bureau. We will b going Independent. I understand your delima. Why keep selling for a company you know you will not benefit from renewals in the long run. Sounds like you know you are ready to leave.
I was hoping so. I purposely did not take much of anything offered once I realized their way of doing things didn't fit with what I'm trying to do. Don't want to burn bridges, I just don't want to be stuck with auto ins I can't sell. Liked their new NexGen Homeowners, but I couldn't find where the auto ins had the value to sell at such a premium.

Yeah, I could sell the NextGen all day, but 8/15/09 the company pulled that product and stuck us with Protector Plus and I haven't sold a home policy since.

I'm a FIG agent as well.

What state did they drop the Next Gen and allow you only Protector Plus?

Call me at 847-458-1510
I am one of many Former Farmers Agents in Texas. I went Indendent and joined SIAA. It has been night and day for me. I am appointed with great companies like Travelers, MetLife, Hartford ect. It was important to me to have companies that people knew coming from Farmers. SIAA has given me access to these companies that I would not have been able to get on my own. Due to non compete it has been like starting over, but I am able to close more business. Just be prepared to wait and wait for commisions to start rolling in. I got set up with a GA right away so I would have a place to write referals. It has taken a couple of months to get direct contracts, but I am so glad I left. I dont have any quotas with any of my carriers and no LIFE QUOTAS! Dont get me wrong I believe life is the most important product anyone can sell to make sure the client is protected. But right now in this economy it is not an easy sale and those life quotas with Farmers are hard to meet. The last six life policies I wrote with them all were lost due to underwritting. I went from sandbagging policies for the next quarter to being behind and scrambling to find a juvenile to write. If I were captive and thought it was time to get out I would go independent. I did and have never been happier!
I am one of many Former Farmers Agents in Texas. I went Indendent and joined SIAA. It has been night and day for me. I am appointed with great companies like Travelers, MetLife, Hartford ect. It was important to me to have companies that people knew coming from Farmers. SIAA has given me access to these companies that I would not have been able to get on my own. Due to non compete it has been like starting over, but I am able to close more business. Just be prepared to wait and wait for commisions to start rolling in. I got set up with a GA right away so I would have a place to write referals. It has taken a couple of months to get direct contracts, but I am so glad I left. I dont have any quotas with any of my carriers and no LIFE QUOTAS! Dont get me wrong I believe life is the most important product anyone can sell to make sure the client is protected. But right now in this economy it is not an easy sale and those life quotas with Farmers are hard to meet. The last six life policies I wrote with them all were lost due to underwritting. I went from sandbagging policies for the next quarter to being behind and scrambling to find a juvenile to write. If I were captive and thought it was time to get out I would go independent. I did and have never been happier!
Yeah man, go independent. I was with Nationwide for 3 yrs. Sold about 2 thousand policies easy. I wish I was independent during that time. I wouldn't of had the marketing dollars, but I would have many different carriers to choose from which would have made selling a lot easier rather than trying to convince someone that NW is the best and that there really is no need to compare.

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