Fe's Setting Up One-stop Shopping


5000 Post Club
Sorry, botched the thread title. Pre-coffee.

Feds are going to start in on their efforts to set-up one-stop shopping in the states long before the exchanges are in place.

From Comrade Sebelius' website:

Answers For Families And Small Business

Q: My insurance company wants to raise my rates. What recourse do I have?
A: For most consumers today, it is hard to figure out how to challenge a rate increase. The new health insurance reform law will create a clear pathway for consumers to hold insurance companies accountable.
In 6 months, all new health plans will be required to have implemented a clear and effective process under which policy holders can appeal coverage determinations and claims. States must also have an external appeals process to ensure a fair and objective review of coverage disputes.
Additionally, millions of dollars in grants will be made available this year to states to help create a health insurance consumer assistance office where consumers can learn how to enroll in a plan or file a complaint. There will also be a new website that will begin operating this year, which will help consumers identify and compare health coverage options. Information will be presented in a standardized, easy-to-understand format to ensure that individuals and families understand their options and purchase the right coverage for their needs.
Finally, new standards for the amount an insurance company must pay out in benefits as opposed to profits and administrative expenses will go into effect in 2011. Insurance companies will be required to give money back to consumers if they do not meet those standards. In addition, requested premium increases will be made publicly available, and in 2014, plans that have arbitrarily raised rates previously may not be able to participate in the new health insurance exchanges.
I'm not terribly worried. Most people don't understand a damn thing about insurance, let alone how to buy it - even when websites are on the internet to educate them AND sell them policies.

Referrals will continue, and people will keep filling out apps with me whether there is a consumer line or website or not. Despite what everyone wants you to believe, people still prefer to talk with a human over online submission.
I'm not terribly worried. Most people don't understand a damn thing about insurance, let alone how to buy it - even when websites are on the internet to educate them AND sell them policies.

Referrals will continue, and people will keep filling out apps with me whether there is a consumer line or website or not. Despite what everyone wants you to believe, people still prefer to talk with a human over online submission.

You wouldnt need to worry about it in my state or the other guaranteed issue states either, but for a completely different reason.
Sorry, botched the thread title. Pre-coffee.

Additionally, millions of dollars in grants will be made available this year to states to help create a health insurance consumer assistance office where consumers can learn how to enroll in a plan or file a complaint.

Great just what we need...more grant money to create a new government office....Not like the state is already the largest employer in Maine. This just struck me The State of Maine employs 3 times as many people as the largest private enterprise in the state, this excludes the counties, municipalities, schools and quasi state run non-profits that get almost all their funding from the state....No wonder I am in such a funk for the future of my state.
Great just what we need...more grant money to create a new government office....Not like the state is already the largest employer in Maine. This just struck me The State of Maine employs 3 times as many people as the largest private enterprise in the state, this excludes the counties, municipalities, schools and quasi state run non-profits that get almost all their funding from the state....No wonder I am in such a funk for the future of my state.

Yeh, just a few days ago I gave a rap about the fact that Maine and Vermont used to be very conservative, frugal, common-sense New Englanders but have both gone ulta-pink. Vermont was the first to go. Now Maine.

In that rap, I mentioned that I was over in Vermont with my boy a few years ago and folks on the street were not even wearing cloths, completely in the buff. I know people think I am jiving them so I just accept that and there is nothing I can do about unless the Vermonters pipe in and confirm.

However, I point this article out from this weeks news from Farmington Maine where some people are "halfway there" already. Last week it was Portland. Just hope they don't scare the horses.

First Vermont was Californicated, now Maine.

Topless March Planned In Farmington - Portland News Story - WMTW Portland
Yeh, just a few days ago I gave a rap about the fact that Maine and Vermont used to be very conservative, frugal, common-sense New Englanders but have both gone ulta-pink. Vermont was the first to go. Now Maine.

In that rap, I mentioned that I was over in Vermont with my boy a few years ago and folks on the street were not even wearing cloths, completely in the buff. I know people think I am jiving them so I just accept that and there is nothing I can do about unless the Vermonters pipe in and confirm.

However, I point this article out from this weeks news from Farmington Maine where some people are "halfway there" already. Last week it was Portland. Just hope they don't scare the horses.

First Vermont was Californicated, now Maine.

Topless March Planned In Farmington - Portland News Story - WMTW Portland

Yeah that story was in the Lewiston Sun Journal....Also was the fact the Congressman Michaud has about 500K on hand right now compared with his Repub contender having $16K not looking good to oust Michaud.
Yeah that story was in the Lewiston Sun Journal....Also was the fact the Congressman Michaud has about 500K on hand right now compared with his Repub contender having $16K not looking good to oust Michaud.

Great, so we have two congress"men" now. One is a union paper mill hack. The other, Chellie Pingree (don't let her fool you with the Islesboro stuff, she is from Michigan) is Che Guevera's sister. I dont know if she has been in Congress long enough to have a lib rating done on her but I have to beleive that she is somewhere to the left of Raul Castro.

If any googlesters here see lib/conservative ratings on congressmen, tell me what is says for Chellie Pingress (please, I should say). This is her first term so maybe they dont rate them that early in the game, She is a commie though. Headed up Common Cause in DC before carpetbagging back to maine to run for congress (I repeat, she is actually from Michigan). These out of staters move up here to the coastal areas and then get elected by the year-round summer visitors.