Hell, he did not do any work the first 4 years what makes you feel he is going to do any this........ Oh wait, you mean the cell phone.
LMAO -- Now that was funny
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I did but I don't know how to save shortcuts
Android: Adding one-touch bookmarks to your Android's Home screen | How To - CNET
iPhone: Add Web Site Bookmarks to Your iPhone's Homescreen
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The #1 feature I would love to see added to fexquotes is to input a premium and it to figure coverage amount. In other words backwards from what it does. That will be great if you can add that.
#2 feature. Med Sup quotes for cross-selling
#3 feature tap on the FE company you select and their fillable PDF application pops up on the iPad ready to fill out and sign.
#4 feature- a PowerPoint FE presentation that results in a 90% closing ratio and 85% retention and 3.5 referrals per presentation.
#5 feature. (maybe this should be #2 because this is the easiest) pop up cheat sheet for each company that lists the agent service phone number, point of sale interview phone number, fax app phone number, height-weight chart, etc.
# 6 Rocky theme song for after you make a sale
Fexquotes is great. But get all these features added and it will be more gooder.
- This is actually in development.
- I never want to say never, but in this case...
- Great idea, but it would be incumbent on the user to upload their own apps.
- We have beta tested this and was only able to achieve numbers slightly lower than these, so we shelved the project.
- Excellent idea!
- Along with a video of my fat ass running up the Art Museum steps. (I only live 20 minutes away)
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