FIA Companies That Contract Direct with Agents?


100+ Post Club
Just wondering if any quality FIA providers contract direct with agents (i.e. no FMO/IMO)?

I know Great American / Annuity Investors Life does. Does anyone know any others?
Midland Definatly does and the products vastly exceed the Gafri ones.

Have they finally got all their legal problems out of the way with regards to selling like 16 year products to seniors and whatever else they got hung up with giving the rest of us a black eye?

I know it was before my time in the business but I have a hard time representing a company which had and still does to a degree its name associated with certain sales practices frowned upon and now possibly helped contribute to more difficult rules for the rest of us.
Have they finally got all their legal problems out of the way with regards to selling like 16 year products to seniors and whatever else they got hung up with giving the rest of us a black eye?

I know it was before my time in the business but I have a hard time representing a company which had and still does to a degree its name associated with certain sales practices frowned upon and now possibly helped contribute to more difficult rules for the rest of us.


I have to say get over it...I know for a fact you sell Great American products, I dealt with the class action lawsuit they had in early 2000. I've sold Pru products, I've sold Allianz though I now stay away from them just a bad experience.

My biggest complaint about Midland is thier insistance on original copies of paperwork, which means no faxing in applications no scanning and uploading applications. Not a really big issue if your doing transfers as most releasing companies want original signatures anyway.
I'll admit that my views on Midland are somewhat tainted by one of the agencies I'm contracted with, one FMO who's probably got beef with them because of the direct contracting issue with agents and one Midland agent in the area who is a complete ass.

I'm going to look into their product portfolio. Do they have any specific products which are strong right now in their offerings you could elaborate on?
I'll admit that my views on Midland are somewhat tainted by one of the agencies I'm contracted with, one FMO who's probably got beef with them because of the direct contracting issue with agents and one Midland agent in the area who is a complete ass.

I'm going to look into their product portfolio. Do they have any specific products which are strong right now in their offerings you could elaborate on?

Does this IMO offer Noth American? If so its the same products without the cut for the Middleman which means either comp is higher or interest rates are higher to the client.