Final Expense Lead Questions

i think selling med supps and FE over the phone is definitly possible and could be very lucrative. but with my small amount of experience on the phone and in the field, its easier to sell them face to face. once you get the face to face down, then selling them over the phone would be much easier.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
i think selling med supps and FE over the phone is definitly possible and could be very lucrative. but with my small amount of experience on the phone and in the field, its easier to sell them face to face. once you get the face to face down, then selling them over the phone would be much easier.

Well said. In the last several years my Med Supp phone sales have increased each year. I find now that whether or not I go on an appointment is pretty much up to me. Ten years ago I would have bet anyone any amount of money that they couldn't be successful selling Med Supps over the phone.

Med Supps are much easier to transition the phone call to a conversation than any other kind of insurance I have sold. The reason is that I'm really not trying to "sell" them a Med Supp, I'm just helping them find a better way to invest their premium dollar. (One will never sell anything during a phone call, insurance is only sold during a conversation.)

Once that is done all I do is recommend that they may want to reinvest some of the money they saved in a small Final Expense plan. I simply point out that it may be something they want to consider and give them an example of how much coverage they can get for a relatively small amount of premium. I find it much more successful starting with a small premium and then showing them that for an additional $5 or $10 they can increase the benefit.

Yes, I know all the arguments for starting high and then dropping down to a lower premium. The way I do it works so much better for me and I am usually successful in selling a higher benefit amount. As Al would say, "YMMV".

I very seldom suggest that they reinvest all of the money I have saved them. I want to be able to show them that they now have a Med Supp and a FE policy for less money they were paying just for their Med Supp and still get to put money in their pocket each month. The key to successfully writing a FE plan is that I'm not using any "new" money. It is money that they were already spending.

I believe the many hours I have spent at kitchen tables has enabled me to be a lot more successful over the phone.
I generate my own online. MY program works very will and i am opening it up to new agents.

After trying many of shared lead programs and talking with frustrated clients having received an overwhelming amount of calls from agents I decided to create my own system. This is only what I use to make all my sales and it works. I am now opening it up to other agents. You can watch my video at for more information. Lead cost is only $7 for exclusive leads. Only one of our agents speak with one of our clients. You do need to be on our team and commission is 80%. You can visit my lead generation site

Are you going to post the same damn thing in every thread in the FE forum?