Final Expense

Had no idea about this. I know the McNerney's. Here is a True story, 10 years ago they sent a private plane from Columbia, MO to a tiny municipal airport in my hometown and picked me up and brought me back the next day in a effort to "whoo" me.... The kicker is I didn't even have an insurance license yet. It worked, I was a dumb and contracted with them and assigned my commissions writing Med sups. Less then a year I went independent after figuring it out I could do this on my own. It did make me feel like a big deal. That gives me an idea!?... Scott buy a G6 plane tomorrow, use the funds out of the FEX recruiting budget. You are flying to the Deep South on a recruiting mission. :)

Done and done!

Except I checked the recruiting budget and we had to go with two ultralights and a six pack of Red Stripe.