

Super Genius
100+ Post Club
is it worth the subscription?
I hear folks making mention to it so I went to browse a little, is it worth the subscription?

have you used it and has it helped you?

Thanks everyone.

What kind of a website name is that?

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Okay you just typed it wrong nevermind. I have never heard of it but do they offer money back if you don't like it ? The whois data is private or I would at least tell you how long they have been around. Maybe that would be a good indicator of whether to do business with them or not.

Generally I would say programs like this are to make money off you not really teach you
anything. Then again I can't really say that it's bad. Whatever you can do to further your
knowledge is good worse case scenario you find it's a bad product.
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I have had many agents come from there and sent many agents there.

There is a great deal of good info on there. I look at it like this: If you don't learn at least one thing that will make you a sale, which in turn will make your money back many times over, then you didn't utilize it to it's fullest.

I've had many agents tell me they garnered more info from there than they did when they went with some of the IMO's that supposidly train you.

Just my take on it.
as with anything...research before you buy!
Thanks J, that was my main reason for the post. Just trying to see if folks found it useful for them.
Thanks TRK, I appreciate the feedback!
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100 times yes! It is loaded with information, take it all in and apply it. There are a couple of audios that are not working but I am sure that will be fixed.
I'm about to join. I'm sure it is great because I have heard some good things on here. How is it in terms of helping you get leads though, or better yet showing you how to get leads?

I'm new to insurance and want to go independent but what scares me the most by far is finding quality leads.
I'm about to join. I'm sure it is great because I have heard some good things on here. How is it in terms of helping you get leads though, or better yet showing you how to get leads?

I'm new to insurance and want to go independent but what scares me the most by far is finding quality leads.

It's worth just bout as much as this post. I think PT Barnum said something about the type of people that would pay at a site like like that.