Fixed Index Annuities


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Wanted to start a discussion regarding FIA's in the current environment versus Variable Annuities. Including different companies, features, riders, client case studies, and more...

I think they are a great vehicle provided the right situation but misunderstood.

Who's your favorite provider?
Right now I really like Great American if I had to pick just one company but I am not familiar with every company. I can't talk about VA's as I am not licensed to do so however I will say the word in the office is Jackson National.
Thanks - yes Jackson has nice VA's.

Jackson also has a nice feature with their fixed products that let you go into a traditional fixed annuity at 4% first year rate and if rates improve can then roll into a FIA at no surrender cost. It's a good strategy if caps are low on the FIA front.

Lincoln has nice FIA's also.

* Disclaimer - I'm an agent with a Lincoln BGA.
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I'm also not licensed for Variable annuity's and have no intention of doing so in the future. Who are you talking to that wants ANY risk? All the income riders in the world can not guarantee my principal won't disappear in a VA. No Reason not to Use a FIA for my client base.