Florida blue cutting commissions

Thanks for your answer. Weird that they'd have captive agents sell a competitor though.

They obviously don't want the MAPD biz right now. They're probably realizing they will lose money on it. So, go ahead and sell someone else, then in June they will correct their plans.

In 2026 the can pay their captives again and get them to move those uhc and humana back to them.
Speculation, of course.
They sent an email out yesterday.
Yeah, got mine but didn't really look at it until I saw this thread. Nice to see they are keep renewal commissions in Broward Cty, where I am. Bummed otherwise. Sign of more to come, seems to me. The only reason I ever sold Florida Blue is that some people are attached to the name and could not be reasoned out of being with them once they transitioned to Medicare.
Yeah, got mine but didn't really look at it until I saw this thread. Nice to see they are keep renewal commissions in Broward Cty, where I am. Bummed otherwise. Sign of more to come, seems to me. The only reason I ever sold Florida Blue is that some people are attached to the name and could not be reasoned out of being with them once they transitioned to Medicare.

Not a sign of things to come in my opinion. Too many new Medicare agents haven't seen what's happened in the past. Humana didn't pay full commissions, Fl blue paid zero, and plans went non commission all the time.
Once the money starts flowing back to MAPD, everyone will start paying again.

But, in the meantime I hope the rookies freak out and leave.
Luckily Florida Blue product just isn't very competitive here in my area.

Kind of like UHC, FB are banking on their name recognition and prior experiences people have with work coverage and not necessarily superior benefits.

It's usually people that insist on FB, or have had poor experiences with both Aetna and Humana that go this way.

Just got to hope Aetna and Humana will continue to pay here in central fl or we could be in trouble.
What happens happens . If you've been in a state like Kentucky ,Connecticut ,Ga ,Texas ,New York you understand what's going on. Being Naive to the trends happening won't change anything . When a carrier Like Anthem the 2nd week of Aep can make every mapd non commissionable starting in 4 hrs something big is going on. We're talking 8-10 carriers did this in varying degrees nationwide . This is not about the agent necessarily . It's saying the product has become not profitable and the risk of loss is there . Like i said nobody knows the future and few long term agents will exit the business . But if i were an agency i would put off growing till we more clearly see what Trump does and how it effects agents