John C. Osborn
New Member
- 8
As an FMO with both Humana and UHC I'd recommend going with a local FMO because through their organization you have the opportunity to learn about market trends and you have support when something occurs. Also, they if it is a worthy organization they will have product meetings, handle contract processing and on one or more occassion I have made sure the lone agent gets paid from the big insurance company because when the FMO generates enough volume of business they get additional support people to keep their hierarchy happy. Many times as a "direct" agent you will not receive an option on a higher contract based on production (not always the case), get the answers to questions about competition and they will force feed you the info for only their company as opposed to getting the info you need to be productive in the field. Rember the market is constantly changing and the FMO/MGA is responsible for getting things prepared so you can be up to date on those changes. A company is responsible for their profitability which is not always in the best interest of your clients. JCO