FMO Recommendation?


New Member

I am new to annuity sales, and I would like to be contracted with Aviva Life. However, they informed me that I need to be aligned with an FMO prior to becoming appointed with them.

I am in the greater Los Angeles area... can you guys make some recommendations of good, competent FMO's that you have personally have good success with, or know someone who has?

In advance,
many thanks for your time.

Wishing you the best of success,
Hey Melissa, send PM me your contact info and I'll send you info on my company and an Aviva contract if you would like. Thanks!

What would you like to get out of a relationship with an FMO?

Worst case scenario, the FMO does nothing but process your business and provide a conduit to the product.

Best case scenario, the FMO trains you, provides networking/mentoring opportunities, markets your practice, send you on vacation, puts you in front of clients, and provides you an above street level contract.

The reality is going to fall somewhere in between. As you've already experienced, there are plenty of people on this forum willing to give you a contract. What else would you like in exchange for your business?