Forum Sponsored Ads Posted by Sam

People read posts for entertainment and information.

There are plenty of mile-long posts that are entertaining (John Galt getting Newtered, the continuing CompuLife drama), or informative (FE Gold thread).

The better forum advertorials do both, and length is never a real issue, because uninterested prospects for the service will naturally stop reading when they find the material does not apply.

I guarantee that if the advertorial contained interesting and informative content, you wouldn't give much attention to the length.

People read the FE forum to see whom is fighting with who.. If the advertorial is to be successful in that forum, it would have to have CONFLICT involved. Otherwise no one would read it. :)
Agents that I know who have created above average lead sources make WAY more money keeping the leads for themselves vs. selling them to other agents. Just my experience...

And from a marketing standpoint the ad is way too long. Who wants to read all of that?? I felt like it was a Robert Barney or MaxHerr post... LOL

Damn, that's hilarious! It's hard to read most of their posts without nodding off.:laugh: