Four Questions by JDeasy

Just pointing out....
This was your first mistake, as if this precursor to what will follow is somehow defused because you were only "pointing out"

Guess I'm the only one who sees it that way..... Just a little hypocritical some of the statements made on here are in a way.

The first part of this statement was very good at ostracizing yourself from the reader and deflecting any sympathy from one who may have been trying. The last part of this statement was just simply walking up and shaking the hornets nest probably could have left this statement out, but obviously I'm not you public relations guy.

Again ladies....and smart ass' all are missing the point..

In your own mind I don't think you intended this statement to have the effect that it did. I feel this was a witty moment for you and you just ran with it. However just like the kid that no one liked in school these are statements that continue to ostracize yourself from winning friends and influencing people. You will only attract who you are so if you are using this forum for recruiting then don't be surprised to attract negativity.

You don't want to bark up this tree brother. .

I was going to let the "brother" comment go until I saw the quick use of the word again.......

Duplicate what I've done...then maybe you can step up to my plate brother.

To me this is an awkward use of the word and only instills visions of a 1980s Hogan, Piper pre wrestle interview with Mean Gean.

As far as the name calling, short comments and everything guys are grown men who are suppose to be professionals? WOW Embarrassing to our industry more like it. Shame shame shame.

I was simply pointing out total hypocritical comments made on here and its made every single day.

Hmmmm i see a theme in your thinking....follows the same philosophy that you can say anything you want to anyone as long as you have a smile on your face.

You think that you can say anything you want to someone just as long as you say that you are "simply just pointing out"

Man...just getting caught up on the daytime soap opera on here.

DOH!! This is where it all went down hill for you...prior to this statement you mentioned you had a "company to go run" how beautiful would it had been if that was your Barry Sanders exit and just leave while we all sit and ponder the greatness of your empire.

Newbie...we are def not in the same league. You could NEVER do what I've done.

Again hard to root for the prideful and arrogant

Our company is EXPLODING already this year so I'm pretty sure...we are doing things right.

You should thank God for your success with out him you would have nothing

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.

So when you go and find that person you want to partner up with in final expense say to yourself which one would you want selling your me jd seems like a class act but I have been known to be wrong before. As for you DiG you seem like a very self serving individual. This impression is just based off the post being made on this forum and not off of any actually knowledge of the character of either of you.
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Im not sure why you throw me in with him or for that matter anyone on this forum. I can tell you are an unhappy person and I feel for you, I know it must make you feel superior sitting behind a computer screen typing away like a commando. I on the other hand am a pretty happy guy. Did you practice bullying or does it just come natural to you? Last time I dealt with a bully was on the playground and he went home with a broke nose. Mind your manners please, Im not here to make enemies, Im here to learn, have a good time and poke fun here and there at each other. If you take all this too serious you got problems man.

I was just messin with you. You must have ran over Matts dog out in the field or something....
No dog in this fight...but it has been my experience that those who continually brag about success, rarely sustain it.

my $'s actually worth less than that.

A majority of the really successful never display it. Read "The Millionaire Next Door".