I have a friend who started with Bankers and he got a call from an orphan who needed some type of service work on a small policy. He went out to see them and found a couple near 80 in an older neighborhood in a very small house. He did the service work and began a friendship with the couple. Eventually he wound up actually mowing their grass and doing small handyman and gofor type projects. He did this out of his Christian faith and goodness of his heart not because he ever expected to gain from it financially.
They called him one day and had him come over. They put a stack of papers in front of him wanting to know what they should do with this stuff. Imagine his surprise when he started going through the papers finding Certificates of Deposits and Bonds. That day he found out that this couple owned several houses and other real estate, had over $3,000,000 in liquid assets, and were quite well to do. Over a period of about 3 years he helped them combine accounts and find better instruments (annuities and insurance) for the assets. In the process he made well over $100,000 in commissions.
They called him one day and had him come over. They put a stack of papers in front of him wanting to know what they should do with this stuff. Imagine his surprise when he started going through the papers finding Certificates of Deposits and Bonds. That day he found out that this couple owned several houses and other real estate, had over $3,000,000 in liquid assets, and were quite well to do. Over a period of about 3 years he helped them combine accounts and find better instruments (annuities and insurance) for the assets. In the process he made well over $100,000 in commissions.