Free market to blame for Americans dying younger

Because there's no money in the cure. The last disease we cured was Polio and we'll never make that mistake again. If the drug companies got a "do-over" on Polio hundreds of thousands of Americans would be on weekly Polio medication and we'd still be "looking for a cure."
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The following is a quote from that article.

"Policymakers also should focus on ways to reduce cancer, heart disease and lung disease, said Murray. He advocates stepped-up efforts to reduce tobacco use, control blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and regulate blood sugar."

With the possible exception of cancer, all the health care in the world will not eliminate the problems listed above. Control them maybe, however, control isn't the answer, prevention is. The rest of them people bring upon themselves. In Europe they eat dinner, in America people sit down at the table and gorge themselves, belch and fart and then go back for seconds.

What constitutes a good restaurant in the US? One that has a sign that says, "All you can eat".

When in a Europe the American tourists are pretty easy to spot. They are the ones waddling down the sidewalk.
It's amazing when you travel internationally (and you don't eat at tourist traps) that the portions are at least half of what's served here. And since my mom's Italian and my grandmother literally didn't speak 5 words of English (off the boat from Italy) I know what Italian food really is - and it's not loads of pasta. It's mainly fish and pasta is served as a small appetizer. Pizza is actually very small, thin crust with just cheese and basil.
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They also drink really good, healthy red wine. I'm not talking about "Thunderbird", that doesn't count. LOL

We frequently have a glass of wine with dinner.
And are more relaxed and from what I saw - happier. My grandfather and grandmother lived in an all Italian area outside of Cleveland and we went up there about three times a year. It was a huge focus on community, friends and family. At night everyone was outside mingling and it was literally cheese, wine and singing. I remember how strange and "weird" I thought it was when I was growing up - almost embarrassing to me.

We've lived on our street for 9 months now and have met three neighbors.
I think it's a bunch of factors thrown in. Too much TV and car driving. And let's not forget chemicals in everything.....processed food, water, and household furniture, plastics, and clothes.

Hence the rise in allergies.

Getting harder to find "real, natural" food. We have hybrid products like tangelo, seedless grapes, irradiated foods, Monsanto seeds that only sprout one time so farmer can't save them for next season, and what are they doing to milk? Cloned animals. Antibiotics and hormone feed to all livestock which in turn we consume so kids are developing sooner. (go to elementary school and take a peek).

Yep, we have been experimented upon without our knowledge and consent. Now we are exporting this worldwide so watch the next generation. (cat in the"I'm gonna be just like you, dad".)
There's other reasons including how much we DO value life. In other countries, premature and unhealthy babies are allowed to die and listed as stillborn. We do everything we can to allow them to live as long as possible.

This screws up our life expectancy figures as much as anything.
