Free market to blame for Americans dying younger

Don't forget - you buy a tomato grown with pesticides and chemicals and it's $2.00 a pound. What to eat healthy and buy organic tomatos? Triple the price? You think a gallon of milk is expensive from cows injected with hormones? Price up organic milk.

We have an all organic supermarket about 3 miles away from us. If we shopped there instead of $50 on groceries it would be about $150.
It's amazing when you travel internationally (and you don't eat at tourist traps) that the portions are at least half of what's served here. And since my mom's Italian and my grandmother literally didn't speak 5 words of English (off the boat from Italy) I know what Italian food really is - and it's not loads of pasta. It's mainly fish and pasta is served as a small appetizer. Pizza is actually very small, thin crust with just cheese and basil.

How do we determine are appropriate food portions? I love authentic Italian food and my ex-landlords were Italian. They were very friendly and noticed their mom was always doing laundry and ironing clothes for their grown/adult sons.
How do we determine are appropriate food portions? I love authentic Italian food and my ex-landlords were Italian. They were very friendly and noticed their mom was always doing laundry and ironing clothes for their grown/adult sons.

Take the typical food serving at a restaurant and divide by 2..........
The following is a quote from that article.

With the possible exception of cancer, all the health care in the world will not eliminate the problems listed above. Control them maybe, however, control isn't the answer, prevention is.

Go to your local animal pound. Get a dog. Walk it everyday. Cheaper than a treadmill and has the added advantage that the dog can chase off insurance agents.

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There's other reasons including how much we DO value life. In other countries, premature and unhealthy babies are allowed to die and listed as stillborn. We do everything we can to allow them to live as long as possible.

This screws up our life expectancy figures as much as anything.

Rick, Which is more important life expectancy figures or value of life? What are you saying? Maybe I'm mis-interpreting your comment, but it sounds like you saying "let them preemies die."
Yes, we all over eat. We go to eat, never get out of the car (drive thru), order a super size #1 and eat it as we drive around. We should all know better. But with life always in the fast lane, is there time to slow down. Maybe not, but I like to go to Starbucks; looked up the calorie content for my morning Starwberry and Cream Vinti...a whooping 750...WOW, just cust back to the same but as a light,,,calorie content 300. How about this: just went to the doctor BP 112/84 and I was told that was high....I cannot figure this out anymore...But I may get a dog, as I can't walk my dad....LOL
Take the typical food serving at a restaurant and divide by 2..........

When Jacqueline and I go to dinner, if we both have a taste for the same thing, we will order one serving and two plates. Sometimes neither of us will finish everything on our plates. Even in some of the fine dining restaurants the meals are too large for one person to eat comfortably.

The meals served in the US are way more than most people need but they eat it anway. Their attitude is, "I paid for it so I'm going to eat all of it even if it kills me."

Jacqueline is a gourmet cook and we have always eaten responsibly and healthy.

No, we are not health freaks, just responsible eaters who love a glass of nice wine with our meal.

Without wine there is no love, and a little bit of wine sure makes for good love. :D
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Don't forget - you buy a tomato grown with pesticides and chemicals and it's $2.00 a pound. What to eat healthy and buy organic tomatos? Triple the price? You think a gallon of milk is expensive from cows injected with hormones? Price up organic milk.

We have an all organic supermarket about 3 miles away from us. If we shopped there instead of $50 on groceries it would be about $150.

But doesn't it all taste so much better?

We have a pretty good size garden and during the summer grow a lot of the vegetables we eat. Last weekend I gave away 135 lbs of tomatoes. I kind of got carried away with tomato plants this spring and put out 18 plants. Won't make that mistake again.