Free market to blame for Americans dying younger

Rick, Which is more important life expectancy figures or value of life? What are you saying? Maybe I'm mis-interpreting your comment, but it sounds like you saying "let them preemies die."
Actually, I'm saying just the opposite.

I'm saying that we should be commended for valuing life that we go to any extreme to save that life. Other countries do not do this to the same extent we do. Therefore, they list those babies as stillborn and do not count in the life expectancy figures.

Life expectancy figures are not as meaningful as they might seem.

And from what Jacqueline has told me, without wine she would never be "numb" enough to let you near her!

Well, there is that also I guess.

She loves to tell people that God made her pretty so I would be attracted to her, and made her dumb so she would be attracted to me. :D