Free Press Releases

Great info, Al! I appreciate you taking the time to post this. I now feel as though I'm on the right track, based on your list. Thanks! :yes:
Great info, Al! I appreciate you taking the time to post this. I now feel as though I'm on the right track, based on your list. Thanks! :yes:

most of the press release websites are just for back links. No one is really going to read the press release articles.
most of the press release websites are just for back links. No one is really going to read the press release articles.

There is some truth here but I don't know if it is the total truth. I have no idea who reads what and where.

The best course of action is to send of releases to the media directly. Get a list of the media in your immediate area (editors, reporters, etc.) and send them releases that are "newsworthy."

It's not exactly rocket science.

It's a hit-or-miss proposition.

The editor calls Sally Reporter, "Sally we should do a story on rising health insurance rates. It's yours. I want it on my desk in three days."

You happen to send Sally a press piece about health insurance, but not about rates. She sees it. She thinks "Jeez, deadline is short, I'm going to call this guy and see if he can flesh out the story for me."

That's how it works.

Here is priceless information that no one will ever tell you... but I will.... because I've worked in and with the media for many years. This is the KEY to getting ink or electrons.

When the editor or reporter gets your release she (often women) will ask herself just two questions:

1. Why me?
2. Why now?

If your release answers those two questions (in her head)... why SHE should publish your stuff in HER paper or website AND why she should do it today.... you get ink. If not, you go to the round-file.

As my old boss, Ross Perot used to say, "It's just that simple."

I am here.
There is some truth here but I don't know if it is the total truth. I have no idea who reads what and where.

just the little bit of miscommunication here. most if not all of the free press release websites, are just for gaining back links- most people won't read the press release or article. It's a different story if your going to do a guest post to a legitimate website, pay hundred dollars or more for a "real" press release-- something that will get picked up by Google News.
I assume most of us do it for the links. The ONLY reason I do a press release is because of the links. It ranks well for a while then disappears.

Besides, the press releases are very basic, terse (I like that word) and boring.