Garage Keepers Coverage Exclusion for Your Work


New Member
I am having an issue with a policy exclusion under the garage keepers coverage of a Garage Policy. Employees of a detail shop damaged a car(scratched paint and damaged door gasket) while working on it. The claim was denied due to an exclusion for "your work" under the garage keepers coverage. Im am interested in finding out if anyone has experience with this and might know how courts have defined "your work" in similar situations.
Re: Gargage Keepers Coverage Exclusion for Your Work

I guess that makes sense. Are they making the claim under GL coverage or does your carrier offer some type of "customers auto" coverage?
Re: Gargage Keepers Coverage Exclusion for Your Work

Doesn't sound like a large claim at all, why even try to make a claim? Employee damaged it, business owns up to it.

The garage keepers coverage is for care, custody and control of the other people's property. If you are working on it, then it makes sense to exclude it. There's increased risk of damage if work is being done to it versus just keeping it stored.
What scratched the paint?
Did it really scratch the paint or just the clearcoat?
How much is the repair going to cost?

Sounds like they have a gap in their coverage.

It would fall under GL...if your GL has "damage caused during course of work" provision.
Is it even worth making a claim on?
I would assume (?) the garage keepers and GL are with the same carrier. The carrier should sort out how or where to process the claim.

My guess is there simply isn't coverage on the GL for work product related issues.

Again, there is probably a gap in coverage to make the premium more attractive.
