Georgia House Passes Selling Insurance Over State Lines

"Just when you thought the legislators couldn't get any dumber they come along and prove you wrong."

And that's the scariest part of all of this!
Mandates, with the exception of GI, add about 30% to the cost of health insurance. Rate variance from state to state based solely on mandated benefits will create a savings of 5% or less. Some states, like GA, have separate mandates for group insurance, others for individual health insurance.

I fail to understand why idiots under the gold dome think they are doing something beneficial for consumers when the truth is, they will only make things worse.
Hmmm. "across state lines" = "interstate commerce"

Obama has been having a rather hard time making the interstate commerce clause apply and he is looking for a way to dump the obamafiasco down on to the states. Let them pay for it, but find a way to still regulate it from the fed level.

Next step is to get each state offering everyone else's plans. The step after that is to use the interstate commerce clause to tell them what the minimum required provisions and benefits must be. Voila, a national health plan under the guise of states rights is in the making.

Keep in mind that Obama is having trouble making the interstate commerce clause stick as a justification for mandate because arguably it does not apply to people who "are not" participating or purchasing anything. The more "interstate" the whole venture becomes, the more federal hooks that can be applied, and of course if you are talking about people who are actually purchasing something then the interstate commerce clause can clearly be made to apply there.
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