You might want to read the contract before you call someone a dolt. Most advance finance agreement say something like "1% of the account balance PER MONTH"...
Come on... someone got a contract to read to this guy?
Never mind. Found this a few pages back on post #80.
Dear Producer,
This notice is to inform you of a new process concerning advanced commissions for Gerber Life Insurance Company Medicare Supplement and Medicare Select business. On the last day of the pay cycle for each month, there will be a one percent summary of interest charge added to any unearned advanced commissions.
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]All previously signed Advance Commission on Issue Amendments are now terminated. The enclosed and newly revised Advance Commission on Issue Amendment must be signed and submitted or declined by you, the producer. The enclosed amendment must be signed and received by Gerber Life before you will receive advancing on any submitted Gerber Life applications for Medicare Supplement and Medicare Select business. If the enclosed amendment is not signed and received, you will receive regular, modal commission for any submitted Gerber Life applications[/FONT]
What does that mean? 1% per month... 12% per year. The only hair to be split here is that it is 1% of the current balance so while you are building that debt by selling tons of policies that don't look too bad. But... what about 11-12 months down road... Say you're a hog dog agent selling five per week at an average premium of $125/mo and make 22% commissions. By the end of the year if you did that for 48 weeks you're $76k in debt at 1% per month or losing $760/month. So by the end of the year you're losing the whole year's commissions for two out of five sales to that debt.
Something to think about.
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Don't be a sheep. Think for yourself. Speak your own mind.
Ha! I do think for myself. I'm just a newb and thought it was 1% APR. Damn, I get paid monthly on some things but I might have to rethink my med supps.
Annuities aren't avanced right? because you get the $ up front