Get Referrals from Lawyers That Offers Wills


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Get Referrals from Lawyers that offers wills

I run into a lot of clients that don't have wills and I have a network of lawyers that I use to help them with. The lawyers always end up giving me something when someone uses their services for things like wills or whatever they need.

I was talking to one of the ladies that runs this big group of lawyers and she told me that a lot of their clients need life insurance also and she would start pushing me if I would give her some business cards and do a few things to help their clients.

I'm going to try and reach out to some more lawyers and see if they need my services for their clients or if I can make a way to reward them for sending clients to me
One thing I have noticed about lawyers, CPAs and other professionals our clients need is that they almost always have people they already refer. I have met with 3 CPAs and lawyers and can never get anywhere. Anyone have any ideas?
How about working a deal with an attorney to market his trusts and wills.

This keeps you the agent in control of the situation and you do not have to worry about some unknown attorney referring business out to one of your competitors.
Thats a great idea, but it seems like they already have three or four agents already doing this. So how do you find lawyers, CPAs ect, that dont have this in place? Not trying to ruin the idea, its a great idea, just have not had success with it.
I found some junior attorneys just starting out when my brother in law graduated from Berkeley Law. They didnt have any clients when I met them, but I always kept in contact and telling them about my business because I knew one day they would need my services. They eventually had some high net worth clients, and guess who always manages a couple of solid cases every year. It's just like anything. you have to build it up.
Good luck with attorneys. Most of them are arrogant. They know more about everything than everybody, including life insurance. Most of them already have a Northwestern Mutual rep they refer business to because NWML is the only life insurance company for their high net worth clients. NWML is the ONLY life insurance company, right?
Make the attorney/CPA a client. Then you may get referrals.

Here's a hint though: They're not having meetings or chat room threads about how to network with us. Don't spend too much time on this.
Good luck with that idea, most lawyers are not interested in doing referrals either way. You may have better luck than me but the ones in my area are so busy already they could care less about referrals. I wish it would work it seems like it would and it would if you found the right lawyer.