Gmac, Progressive, Victoria, Infinity

i'm not gonna write a bunch of it until i open a storefront (6 weeks or later; waitin on a csr that i'd like to have). i assumed they had production requirements?
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i need to buy into siaa, but i'm a stubborn tight butt.;)
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i don't need the commission so i'm gonna use it for the buy in. it doesn't make sense, i know, but i'm using my savings for bills and comish /renewals for growth.
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Production requirements on non-standards are usually pretty minimal and if you miss them, they usually won't kick you out for a while.

Each has their own sweet spot of the type of risk they like (i.e, have decent premium for).

Because of this, if you are going to write non-standard, the more the merrier. If not, there are a few aggragators that will give you access to all of them for a significant cut.

If you arent writing with them, then they arent competitive, so let them cancel you......
try this.......I have done this with friends....... they will give you their agent code for a week or two, but them in your rater and see how they do.
then you dont waste your time.

Another thing, I have 3 or 4 close IA friends, and we make sure, we dont have ALL the same companies, for this reason, if something I have doesnt work, I kick it to them.
WHy have all the same companies? Granted, we have all the major ones, but there are so many Sub standard, we play off each other.