Go Indy or Start with Agency?


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
Hello. I have been thinking about going indy. I am a little concerned about doing it on my own. I have been captive for a while now. I recently interview with an agency that wants to bring me on. Now, I know the commissions are lower than street level and I know I am exchanging part of my commissions for the support and training they will offer. Still, I am trying outweigh the good from the bad. They do all my office/customer service work. They also set all of my appointments at no additional cost. They will cover half of my E&O and if I travel, part of my travel expenses. What should I do? All of your opinions and experiences will be helpful. Thanks. Want to make a decision fairly quickly.
Hello. I have been thinking about going indy. I am a little concerned about doing it on my own. I have been captive for a while now. I recently interview with an agency that wants to bring me on. Now, I know the commissions are lower than street level and I know I am exchanging part of my commissions for the support and training they will offer. Still, I am trying outweigh the good from the bad. They do all my office/customer service work. They also set all of my appointments at no additional cost. They will cover half of my E&O and if I travel, part of my travel expenses. What should I do? All of your opinions and experiences will be helpful. Thanks. Want to make a decision fairly quickly.
You know what you want. Just go ahead.
How confident are you with your ability to prospect and close? If you think you have any amount of ability to do those two things, don't give up any money for someone else to do it for you. I personally stay away from those systems that will provide preset appointments, hot leads, or guaranteed results. Maybe I am too cynical, but I think I would put more effort into my own prospecting than someone that doesn't care about my family budget.

If you are new to the industry and want the training support, but are confident in your selling and prospecting ability, find someone that will pay you better than average commissions, provide unlimited one-on-one training and support and do your own hard work for the real rewards. This way, you are independent, but with some real support.

That is just my take on it.
How confident are you with your ability to prospect and close? If you think you have any amount of ability to do those two things, don't give up any money for someone else to do it for you. I personally stay away from those systems that will provide preset appointments, hot leads, or guaranteed results. Maybe I am too cynical, but I think I would put more effort into my own prospecting than someone that doesn't care about my family budget.

If you are new to the industry and want the training support, but are confident in your selling and prospecting ability, find someone that will pay you better than average commissions, provide unlimited one-on-one training and support and do your own hard work for the real rewards. This way, you are independent, but with some real support.

That is just my take on it.
Hello. I have been thinking about going indy. I am a little concerned about doing it on my own. I have been captive for a while now. I recently interview with an agency that wants to bring me on. Now, I know the commissions are lower than street level and I know I am exchanging part of my commissions for the support and training they will offer. Still, I am trying outweigh the good from the bad. They do all my office/customer service work. They also set all of my appointments at no additional cost. They will cover half of my E&O and if I travel, part of my travel expenses. What should I do? All of your opinions and experiences will be helpful. Thanks. Want to make a decision fairly quickly.

Tim has some great points...But never fear technology. Everything evolves or dies. Look for the GA that will provide you those things you want and will allow you to negotiate your own contract. These are the GA's that answer the phone on weekends, nights and have demostrated their concern.
How confident are you with your ability to prospect and close? If you think you have any amount of ability to do those two things, don't give up any money for someone else to do it for you. I personally stay away from those systems that will provide preset appointments, hot leads, or guaranteed results. Maybe I am too cynical, but I think I would put more effort into my own prospecting than someone that doesn't care about my family budget.

If you are new to the industry and want the training support, but are confident in your selling and prospecting ability, find someone that will pay you better than average commissions, provide unlimited one-on-one training and support and do your own hard work for the real rewards. This way, you are independent, but with some real support.

That is just my take on it.
The success of an agent depends on two things - a sale's system and the persistence of following the system. The sale's system includes the prospect/marketing and close technics; The persistence of following the system wil make you win in the long run. Many agents failed due to lack of these two things. They do not have a good sales system, they have no prospect system in place, they don't know how to market, they withdraw too fast from their sales system.
If you find an agency who can prove you the systems, go for it.
The success of an agent depends on two things - a sale's system and the persistence of following the system. The sale's system includes the prospect/marketing and close technics; The persistence of following the system wil make you win in the long run. Many agents failed due to lack of these two things. They do not have a good sales system, they have no prospect system in place, they don't know how to market, they withdraw too fast from their sales system.
If you find an agency who can prove you the systems, go for it.

such an excellent point....agents must understand CPS and have a Clear Daily Work Model that is used consistently.
Go indy! If you have the drive and determination to make it work, it will work, because you will learn how to make it work. Tim was on the money. Who want's you to succeed more, the agency or you? I think I know the answer to that question. There are tons of ways of selling and closing...don't believe me...look at all the seminars that teach different techniques. You have develop your own style. Make sure, that syle consists of impecable character and great customer service and you can't fail. Go Indy! You will be glad you did.