Got a Vps Server Today!

From my end of the world, your site is quick loading and very responsive, but you need to better define "hits". When discussing hits within the framework analyzing hosting needs, there is a world of difference between unique visitors and page views. Both of which are commonly described in terms of hits. Additionally if we are talking page views, what type of pages? Are they static or dynamic? If dynamic are they dependent on SQL data? If there is a mySQL (or any other DB) backend dependency, we then open up an entirely new discussion.

Sorry you mentioned hits John? :laugh:

$50 a month? Really? My site gets 10K to 15K hits per month and I honestly don't know if that's a lot of hits or not for a site that uses shared hosting but pull up Insurance Training & Education - Agent Navigator and tell me if you like the loading time. I pay $120 a year.

Maybe more relevant is to pull up one of my video pages: Health Insurance Training: Video Library - loads fast for me.
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Your mention of Pair Networks brought a huge smile to my face. Is Kevin Martin still there?

Kevin still owns the place and has created a culture of customer service like no other host-farm that I know of. I've only spoken to him by phone once... mainly because I called and he happened to answer it... which surprised me.

They are more expensive than other data centers but they say they have to be in order to give the level of service that they give. I've been with them seven years now and recommend PairNetworks to everyone, but most people tend to buy via price only and don't understand the old adage that you get what you pay for (except when it comes to government services!)
$50 a month? Really? My site gets 10K to 15K hits per month and I honestly don't know if that's a lot of hits or not for a site that uses shared hosting but pull up Insurance Training & Education - Agent Navigator and tell me if you like the loading time. I pay $120 a year.

Maybe more relevant is to pull up one of my video pages: Health Insurance Training: Video Library - loads fast for me.

The purpose behind having a vps is if you want to host a lot of sites on one acct, I think I have 15 on mine, or rent space to others, I host 2 other people's sites, or run software with a lot of memory overhead (my sugarcrm and moodle use about 400 megs of memory in bursts during high load.

I have a 50$ a month vps to do that, with my own root access so I can configure site security to my own liking.

For hosting a website it's serious overkill. For hosting 15 websites and 3 pieces of php software it's not. I basically use my vps for all it's worth. I really need to upgrade it to the next level up before they start bitching at me about ram use because I'm supposed to use 256 megs and burst up to 1 gig sometimes, but I burst to 500 megs over and over all day.

To recap, most people don't need a vps, unless you run software. If you run a lot of software, you might.

You get outstanding reliability also. I could probably self host my server in my house cheaper but if my connection went down or power went out I'm down. With my hosting there is basically 0% chance of downtime.