From my end of the world, your site is quick loading and very responsive, but you need to better define "hits". When discussing hits within the framework analyzing hosting needs, there is a world of difference between unique visitors and page views. Both of which are commonly described in terms of hits. Additionally if we are talking page views, what type of pages? Are they static or dynamic? If dynamic are they dependent on SQL data? If there is a mySQL (or any other DB) backend dependency, we then open up an entirely new discussion.
Sorry you mentioned hits John?
Sorry you mentioned hits John?

$50 a month? Really? My site gets 10K to 15K hits per month and I honestly don't know if that's a lot of hits or not for a site that uses shared hosting but pull up Insurance Training & Education - Agent Navigator and tell me if you like the loading time. I pay $120 a year.
Maybe more relevant is to pull up one of my video pages: Health Insurance Training: Video Library - loads fast for me.
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