Greatest FE Company Around

What are the most common health issues you come across in FE (probably diabetes, cancer, heart issues...)? What are the best carriers to have to be able to write business with the most common health issues? (I want to have as few carriers in my bag until I get good at this and can add more carriers later, but I don't want to leave to much business on the table). Thanks for responses.

Around here it's diabetes and hypertension. 5star, Liberty Bankers, RNA are great for that. Most of your FEs don't blink at these
If I go out and start door knocking with RNA and UHL, will I be able to write just about anybody? (it might be just RNA for a few weeks)
If I go out and start door knocking with RNA and UHL, will I be able to write just about anybody? (it might be just RNA for a few weeks)

No...what if people have a SSI debit card, and that's their on,y form of payment?..or they have major medical conditions. But definitely get out and there and see the people. You can always add additional company's down the road. Work on your activity level
who is good for debit cards?
Heart issues?

my available carriers are in the original post (plus a few others I left off)