Greetings From South Jersey

Welcome, Adam. BTW, you're not really officially welcomed until Mark R. posts his welcome.

I know Adam already.

But I'm glad to have him on here.

Adam gave me the hook up on his F.E. quoting engine and gives my agents a big discount. you can use code rfs20 to save 20% off his normal price. $16 a month fyi and get a free 3 day demo.

Adam is an SQL expert that I'm learning a lot of stuff from. He makes things happen and I'm glad I know him.

It use to take me a long time to do quotes with all my companies for my agents and my personal business. But he gave me his system about 6 months ago and made my life much easier and now I can offer it to everyone.
We always stay at the Hotel Alcott when we go to Cape May (four times so far). Small and friendly.

"Cape Fear" was just on AMC the other day. The newer version.

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WebNJDevils was not used in this post
Welcome to the Forum!!! I have been doing some FE research and was just thinking a couple of weeks ago that I needed to find a quote engine. The demo looks impressive.
Thanks lucasr! Glad you liked the demo. I am loading 5 more companies and there are more features coming - .mobi for Smart Phones, web widget for agent web sites, premium comittment calculations and more...

Welcome to the Forum!!! I have been doing some FE research and was just thinking a couple of weeks ago that I needed to find a quote engine. The demo looks impressive.