Grumblings in the Hinterlands

CBO Director testifies that Obamacrap will result in loss of about 1 million jobs.

Yah, you like how they are setting this up for an excuse for job loss due to PPACA. 1 million will lose their jobs due to "leaving" the workforce since they can afford to buy it off the exchange and retire. Think about all of the people that will drop out of workforce to get their FREE medicaid. Sign me up !!!

Agents are part of the "silent" losses
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Update: The bill passed the House in Idaho.

Again, no need to even discuss whether the bill is constitutional. It isn't but that is not the point. Tis just their way of protesting and of course the directive to their state employees to stand down on any activities related to implementing Obamacare in Idaho has consequences.
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Just for laughs, but Obamacare gets overturned, then what?

It was never going to control rising costs, but at least people could pretend it did. What happens if its overturned to control rising costs? Agents act like everything is back to milk and honey if this gets overturned, but people were already getting priced out of insurance. There is no sign that this will stop, in fact it will probably only increase. So what happens after Obamacare is overturned to slow cost increases?
Exactly the same thing that happens if Obamacare is not overturned to slow cost increases, unfortunately.

There is nothing in Obamacare that controlled costs, so I'm not following the premise of the question, unless you are asking who will have the egg on their face????

What is the answer? We continue to shoulder the costs of the uninsureds, they continue to use the ER as their health care, 80% of all trauma patients are non payers and they run up the highest bills. What is the Republican answer? IMO, without a viable understandable alternative we have a difficult fight.
Just for laughs, but Obamacare gets overturned, then what?

It was never going to control rising costs, but at least people could pretend it did. What happens if its overturned to control rising costs? Agents act like everything is back to milk and honey if this gets overturned, but people were already getting priced out of insurance. There is no sign that this will stop, in fact it will probably only increase. So what happens after Obamacare is overturned to slow cost increases?

It will and is creating the crisis that will not be allowed to go to waste.
My point is, everyone is in a hurry to see this overturned, agents in particular. Who cares what the commission is if no one can afford the product? Are we ever going to get a viable plan to slow down costs from our leadership in Congress, on either side of the aisle?
My point is, everyone is in a hurry to see this overturned, agents in particular. Who cares what the commission is if no one can afford the product? Are we ever going to get a viable plan to slow down costs from our leadership in Congress, on either side of the aisle?

Already have one from the dems. Obamacare was adopted on the premise that it would reduce costs and save premium payers an average of 2500/yr. That was the deal.